So, I’m slaving away at the computer, as usual, and I get this e-mail from a potential wedding client.
“Are you Tycen’s brother?”
I stared. Then I answered, “Yes… Tycen is my brother.”
“Oh, man, that’s cool,” he said, “I know Ty from college, we were on the track team together our in California.”
“Did you find us through Ty?” I asked, confused.
“Nope. Just found you by chance. Guess it’s just one of those things…”
Some people really like that “small-world feeling”.
I, on the other hand… do not. When all the stars align and coincidences don’t feel like coincidences anymore it kinda wigs me out.
It’s cool, though. I really like thinking how out of all the photographers out there, from another state David and Logan chose us, and I happen to be related to one of his buddies from college.
Small world.
Turns out I can tell now why David and Ty were close in college: he and Logan are awesome.
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