Meet the Johnson’s! Tryg and I had the pleasure of photographing their wedding a while back, and now 3 years later they are blessed with 2 sweet little girls. Sienna is 19 months and sweet baby Avery is just 3 weeks old. I am extremely happy with just how beautiful some of these photos turned out. After doing photography for almost 14 years, you eventually realize that not every photo shoot is going to go as planned. The baby won’t always sleep, and the almost two-year-old may be on her own terms, and not want anything to do with holding her sweet new baby sister, ha! But, sometimes that is the way it goes, AND sometimes it turns out even better than you could have imagined. Truly “real”, moments melt my heart. Although there was clearly some candy bribing going on for some motivation, not going to lie!
“Nobody who has known a redhead can say that redheads are tame. Even shy redheads have a burning spark of adventure inside them. Opinionated, hotheaded, logical, loyal, friendly, reserved, whatever the redheads’ personality, you can bet they’ll have SCADS of it!” -Review of The Redhead Encyclopedia
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